
Documentation for SpineOpt.jl.



Public interface

run_spineopt(url_in, url_out; <keyword arguments>)

Run SpineOpt using the contents of url_in and write report(s) to url_out. The argument url_in must be either a String pointing to a valid Spine database, or a Dict (e.g. manually created or parsed from a json file). A new Spine database is created at url_out if one doesn't exist.


  • log_level::Int=3: an integer to control the log level.
  • upgrade::Bool=false: whether or not to automatically upgrade the data structure in url_in to latest.
  • filters::Dict{String,String}=Dict("tool" => "object_activity_control"): a dictionary to specify filters. Possible keys are "tool" and "scenario". Values should be a tool or scenario name in the input DB.
  • templates: a collection of templates to load on top of the SpineOpt template. Each template must be a Dict with the same structure as the one returned by SpineOpt.template().
  • mip_solver=nothing: a MIP solver to use if no MIP solver specified in the DB.
  • lp_solver=nothing: a LP solver to use if no LP solver specified in the DB.
  • use_direct_model::Bool=false: whether or not to use JuMP.direct_model to build the Model object.
  • use_model_names::Bool=true: whether or not to use the names in the model.
  • add_bridges::Bool=false whether or not bridges from JuMP to the solver should be added to the model.
  • optimize::Bool=true: whether or not to optimise the model (useful for running tests).
  • update_names::Bool=false: whether or not to update variable and constraint names after the model rolls (expensive).
  • alternative::String="": if non empty, write results to the given alternative in the output DB.
  • write_as_roll::Int=0: if greater than 0 and the run has a rolling horizon, then write results every that many windows.
  • log_file_path::String=nothing: if not nothing, log all console output to a file at the given path. The file is overwritten at each call.
  • resume_file_path::String=nothing: only relevant in rolling horizon optimisations with write_as_roll greater or equal than one. If the file at given path contains resume data from a previous run, start the run from that point. Also, save resume data to that same file as the model rolls and results are written to the output database.


using SpineOpt
m = run_spineopt(
    filters=Dict("tool" => "object_activity_control", "scenario" => "scenario_to_run"),
run_spineopt(f, url_in, url_out; <keyword arguments>)

Same as run_spineopt(url_in, url_out; kwargs...) but call function f with the SpineOpt model as argument right after its creation (but before building and solving it).

This is intended to be called using do block syntax.

run_spineopt(url_in, url_out) do m
    # Do something with m after its creation
end  # Building and solving begins after quiting this block
prepare_spineopt(url_in; <keyword arguments>)

A SpineOpt model from the contents of url_in - ready to be passed to run_spineopt!. The argument url_in must be either a String pointing to a valid Spine database, or a Dict (e.g. manually created or parsed from a json file).


  • log_level
  • upgrade
  • filters
  • templates
  • mip_solver
  • lp_solver
  • use_direct_model
  • use_model_names
  • add_bridges

See run_spineopt for the description of the keyword arguments.

run_spineopt!(m, url_out; <keyword arguments>)

Build SpineOpt on the given m and solve it; write report(s) to url_out. A new Spine database is created at url_out if one doesn't exist.


  • log_level
  • optimize
  • update_names
  • alternative
  • write_as_roll
  • log_file_path
  • resume_file_path

See run_spineopt for the description of the keyword arguments.

create_model(mip_solver, lp_solver, use_direct_model, use_model_names, add_bridges)

A JuMP.Model extended to be used with SpineOpt. mip_solver and lp_solver are 'optimizer factories' to be passed to JuMP.Model or JuMP.direct_model; use_direct_model is a Bool indicating whether JuMP.Model or JuMP.direct_model should be used. use_model_names is a Bool indicating whether the names in the model should be used. add_bridges is a Bool indicating whether bridges from JuMP to the solver should be added to the model.

build_model!(m; log_level)

Build given SpineOpt model:

  • create temporal and stochastic structures
  • add variables
  • add expressions
  • add constraints
  • set objective
  • initialize outputs


  • log_level::Int: an integer to control the log level.
solve_model!(m; <keyword arguments>)

Solve given SpineOpt model and save outputs.


  • log_level::Int=3: an integer to control the log level.
  • update_names::Bool=false: whether or not to update variable and constraint names after the model rolls (expensive).
  • write_as_roll::Int=0: if greater than 0 and the run has a rolling horizon, then write results every that many windows.
  • resume_file_path::String=nothing: only relevant in rolling horizon optimisations with write_as_roll greater or equal than one. If the file at given path contains resume data from a previous run, start the run from that point. Also, save resume data to that same file as the model rolls and results are written to the output database.
  • calculate_duals::Bool=false: whether or not to calculate duals after the model solve.
  • output_suffix::NamedTuple=(;): to add to the outputs.
  • log_prefix::String="": to prepend to log messages.
add_event_handler!(fn, m, event)

Add an event handler for given model. event must be a Symbol corresponding to an event. fn must be a function callable with the arguments corresponding to that event. Below is a table of events, arguments, and when do they fire.

eventargumentswhen does it fire
:model_builtmRight after model m is built.
:model_about_to_solvemRight before model m is solved.
:model_solvedmRight after model m is solved.
:window_about_to_solve(m, k)Right before window k for model m is solved.
:window_solved(m, k)Right after window k for model m is solved.


run_spineopt("sqlite:///path-to-input-db", "sqlite:///path-to-output-db") do m
    add_event_handler!(println, m, :model_built)  # Print the model right after it's built

Create the temporal structure for the given SpineOpt model. After this, you can call the following functions to query the generated structure:

  • time_slice
  • t_before_t
  • t_in_t
  • t_in_t_excl
  • t_overlaps_t
  • to_time_slice
  • current_window
roll_temporal_structure!(m[, window_number=1]; rev=false)

Roll the temporal structure of given SpineOpt model forward a period of time equal to the value of the roll_forward parameter. If roll_forward is an array, then window_number can be given either as an Integer or a UnitRange indicating the position or successive positions in that array.

If rev is true, then the structure is rolled backwards instead of forward.

time_slice(m; temporal_block=anything, t=anything)

An Array of TimeSlices in model m.


  • temporal_block::Union{Object,Vector{Object}}: only return TimeSlices in these blocks.
  • t::Union{TimeSlice,Vector{TimeSlice}}: only return TimeSlices that are also in this collection.
t_before_t(m; t_before=anything, t_after=anything)

An Array where each element is a Tuple of two consecutive TimeSlices in model m, i.e., the second starting when the first ends.


  • t_before: if given, return an Array of TimeSlices that start when t_before ends.
  • t_after: if given, return an Array of TimeSlices that end when t_after starts.
t_in_t(m; t_short=anything, t_long=anything)

An Array where each element is a Tuple of two TimeSlices in model m, the second containing the first.

Keyword arguments

  • t_short: if given, return an Array of TimeSlices that contain t_short.
  • t_long: if given, return an Array of TimeSlices that are contained in t_long.
t_in_t_excl(m; t_short=anything, t_long=anything)

Same as tint but exclude tuples of the same TimeSlice.

Keyword arguments

  • t_short: if given, return an Array of TimeSlices that contain t_short (other than t_short itself).
  • t_long: if given, return an Array of TimeSlices that are contained in t_long (other than t_long itself).
t_overlaps_t(m; t)

An Array of TimeSlices in model m that overlap the given t, where t must be in m.

to_time_slice(m; t)

An Array of TimeSlices in model m overlapping the given TimeSlice (where t may not be in m).


Generate the stochastic structure for given SpineOpt model.

The stochastic structure is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) where the vertices are the stochastic_scenario objects, and the edges are given by the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationships.

After this, you can call active_stochastic_paths to slice the generated structure.

    m; stochastic_structure::Union{Object,Vector{Object}}, t::Union{TimeSlice,Vector{TimeSlice}}

An Array of stochastic paths, where each path is itself an Array of stochastic_scenario Objects.

The paths are obtained as follows.

  1. Start with the stochastic DAG associated to model m.
  2. Remove all the scenarios that are not in the given stochastic_structure.
  3. Remove scenarios that don't overlap the given t.
  4. Return all the paths from root to leaf in the remaining sub-DAG.
write_report(m, url_out; <keyword arguments>)

Write report(s) from given SpineOpt model to url_out. A new Spine database is created at url_out if one doesn't exist.


  • alternative::String="": if non empty, write results to the given alternative in the output DB.

  • log_level::Int=3: an integer to control the log level.

write_report_from_intermediate_results(intermediate_results_folder, default_url; <keyword arguments>)

Collect results generated on a previous, unsuccessful SpineOpt run from intermediate_results_folder, and write the corresponding report(s) to url_out. A new Spine database is created at url_out if one doesn't exist.


  • alternative::String="": if non empty, write results to the given alternative in the output DB.

  • log_level::Int=3: an integer to control the log level.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for upgrade_db. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for generate_forced_availability_factor. Check Documenter's build log for details.