
SpineOpt.jl is an integrated energy systems optimization model, striving towards adaptability for a multitude of modelling purposes. The data-driven model structure allows for highly customizable energy system descriptions, as well as flexible temporal and stochastic structures, without the need to alter the model source code directly. The methodology is based on mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), and SpineOpt relies on JuMP.jl for interfacing with the different solvers.

While, in principle, it is possible to run SpineOpt by itself, it has been designed to be used through the Spine toolbox, and take maximum advantage of the data and modelling workflow management tools therein. Thus, we highly recommend installing Spine Toolbox as well, as outlined in the Installation guide.

How the documentation is structured

Having a high-level overview of how this documentation is structured will help you know where to look for certain things.

  • Getting Started contains guides for starting to use SpineOpt.jl. The Installation section explains different ways to install SpineOpt.jl on your computer. To ensure that the installation has been done correctly, the Recommended workflow section provides a guide to set up a minimal working example of SpineOpt.jl in Spine Toolbox. Some SpineOpt concepts will already be explained in this example but more information is provided in the Concept Reference chapter. Regardless, any issues during this example will most likely be due to the installation. If any problems are encountered, you can start with the Trouble shooting section.

  • Tutorials provides guided examples for a set of basic use-cases, either as videos, written text and/or example files. The SpineOpt.jl repository includes a folder examples for ready-made example models. Each example is its own sub-folder, where the input data is provided as .json or .sqlite files. This way, you can easily get a feel for how SpineOpt works with pre-made datasets, either through Spine Toolbox, or directly from the Julia REPL.

  • How to provides explanations on how to do specific high-level things that might involve multiple elements (e.g. how to print the model).

  • Concept Reference lists and explains all the important data and model structure related concepts to understand in SpineOpt.jl. For a mathematical modelling point of view, see the Mathematical Formulation chapter instead. The Basics of the model structure section briefly explains the general purpose of the most important concepts, like Object Classes and Relationship Classes. Meanwhile, the Object Classes, Relationship Classes, Parameters, and Parameter Value Lists sections contain detailed explanations of each and every aspect of SpineOpt.jl, organized into the respective sections for clarity.

  • Mathematical Formulation provides the mathematical view of SpineOpt.jl, as some of the methodology-related aspects of the model are more easily understood as math than Julia code. The Variables section explains the purpose of each variable in the model, as well as how the variables are related to the different Object Classes and Relationship Classes. The Constraints section contains the mathematical formulation of each constraint, as well as explanations to their purpose and how they are controlled via different Parameters. Finally, the Objective section explains the default objective function used in SpineOpt.jl.

  • Advanced Concepts explains some of the more complicated aspects of SpineOpt.jl in more detail, hopefully making it easier for you to better understand and apply them in your own modelling. The first few sections focus on aspects of SpineOpt.jl that most users are likely to use, or which are more or less required to understand for advanced use. The Temporal Framework section explains how defining time works in SpineOpt.jl, and how it can be used for different purposes. The Stochastic Framework section details how different stochastic structures can be defined, how they interact with each other, and how this impacts writing Constraints in SpineOpt.jl. The Unit commitment section explains how clustered unit-commitment is defined, while the Ramping and Reserves sections explain how to enable these operational details in your model. The Investment Optimization section explains how to include investment variables in your models, while the User Constraints section details how to include generic data-driven custom constraints. The last few sections focus on highly specialized use-cases for SpineOpt.jl, which are unlikely to be relevant for simple modelling tasks. The Decomposition section explains the Benders decomposition implementation included in SpineOpt.jl, as well as how to use it. The remaining sections, namely PTDF-Based Powerflow, Pressure driven gas transfer, Lossless nodal DC power flows, and Representative days with seasonal storages, explain various use-case specific modelling approaches supported by SpineOpt.jl.

  • Implementation details explains some parts of the code (for those who are interested in how things work under the hood). Note that this chapter is particularly sensitive to changes in the code and as such might get out of sync. If you do notice a discrepancy, please create an issue in github. That is also the place to be if you don't find what you are looking for in this documentation.