

A selector for how the nodal_balance constraint should be handled.

Default value: balance_type_node

Uses Parameter Value Lists: balance_type_list

Related Object Classes: node

A selector for how the nodal_balance constraint should be handled.


Fixes the number of connections invested during the first Benders iteration

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection


Fixes the number of storages invested during the first Benders iteration

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Fixes the number of units invested during the first Benders iteration

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Sufficiently large number used for linearization bilinear terms, e.g. to enforce bidirectional flow for gas pipielines

Default value: 1000000

Related Object Classes: model

Sufficiently large number used for linearization bilinear terms, e.g. to enforce bidirectional flow for gas pipielines


The end time for the temporal_block. Can be given either as a DateTime for a static end point, or as a Duration for an end point relative to the start of the current optimization.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: temporal_block

The end time for the temporal_block. Can be given either as a DateTime for a static end point, or as a Duration for an end point relative to the start of the current optimization.


The start time for the temporal_block. Can be given either as a DateTime for a static start point, or as a Duration for an start point relative to the start of the current optimization.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: temporal_block

The start time for the temporal_block. Can be given either as a DateTime for a static start point, or as a Duration for an start point relative to the start of the current optimization.


The number of connections that may be invested in

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection

The number of connections that may be invested in


Determines the maximum number of new storages which may be invested in

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Determines the maximum number of new storages which may be invested in


Number of units which may be additionally constructed

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Number of units which may be additionally constructed


The minimum absolute value of the line outage distribution factor (LODF) that is considered meaningful.

Default value: 0.1

Related Object Classes: commodity

The minimum absolute value of the line outage distribution factor (LODF) that is considered meaningful.


Defines if the commodity follows lodf or ptdf physics.

Default value: commodity_physics_none

Uses Parameter Value Lists: commodity_physics_list

Related Object Classes: commodity

Defines if the commodity follows lodf or ptdf physics.


For how long the commodity_physics should apply relative to the start of the window.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: commodity

For how long the commodity_physics should apply relative to the start of the window.


The minimum absolute value of the power transfer distribution factor (PTDF) that is considered meaningful.

Default value: 0.001

Related Object Classes: commodity

The minimum absolute value of the power transfer distribution factor (PTDF) that is considered meaningful.


The compression factor establishes a compression from an origin node to a receiving node, which are connected through a connection. The first node corresponds to the origin node, the second to the (compressed) destination node. Typically the value is >=1.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

The compression factor establishes a compression from an origin node to a receiving node, which are connected through a connection. The first node corresponds to the origin node, the second to the (compressed) destination node. Typically the value is >=1.


Availability of the connection, acting as a multiplier on its connection_capacity. Typically between 0-1.

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: connection

Availability of the connection, acting as a multiplier on its connection_capacity. Typically between 0-1.


  • For connection__from_node: Limits the connection_flow variable from the from_node. from_node can be a group of nodes, in which case the sum of the connection_flow is constrained.
  • For connection__to_node: Limits the connection_flow variable to the to_node. to_node can be a group of nodes, in which case the sum of the connection_flow is constrained.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node

  • For connection__from_node: Limits the connection_flow variable from the from_node. from_node can be a group of nodes, in which case the sum of the connection_flow is constrained.
  • For connection__to_node: Limits the connection_flow variable to the to_node. to_node can be a group of nodes, in which case the sum of the connection_flow is constrained.


A boolean flag for defining a contingency connection.

Default value: nothing

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: connection

A boolean flag for defining a contingency connection.


  • For connection__from_node: Optional coefficient for connection_capacity unit conversions in the case that the connection_capacity value is incompatible with the desired connection_flow units.
  • For connection__to_node: Optional coefficient for connection_capacity unit conversions in the case the connection_capacity value is incompatible with the desired connection_flow units.

Default value: 1.0

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node

  • For connection__from_node: Optional coefficient for connection_capacity unit conversions in the case that the connection_capacity value is incompatible with the desired connection_flow units.
  • For connection__to_node: Optional coefficient for connection_capacity unit conversions in the case the connection_capacity value is incompatible with the desired connection_flow units.


Costs associated with decommissioning a power plant. The costs will b discounted to the discount_year`at distribted equally over the decommissioning time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection


A connection's decommissioning time, i.e., the time between the moment at which a connection decommissioning decision is takien, and the moment at which decommissioning is complete.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "0h", "type" => "duration")

Related Object Classes: connection


connection-specific discount rate used to calculate the connection's investment costs. If not specified, the model discount rate is used.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: connection


  • For connection__from_node: Post contingency flow capacity of a connection. Sometimes referred to as emergency rating
  • For connection__to_node: The maximum post-contingency flow on a monitored connection.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node

  • For connection__from_node: Post contingency flow capacity of a connection. Sometimes referred to as emergency rating
  • For connection__to_node: The maximum post-contingency flow on a monitored connection.


  • For connection__from_node__user_constraint: defines the user constraint coefficient on the connection flow variable in the from direction
  • For connection__to_node__user_constraint: defines the user constraint coefficient on the connection flow variable in the to direction

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node__user_constraint and connection__to_node__user_constraint

  • For connection__from_node__user_constraint: defines the user constraint coefficient on the connection flow variable in the from direction
  • For connection__to_node__user_constraint: defines the user constraint coefficient on the connection flow variable in the to direction


Variable costs of a flow through a connection. E.g. EUR/MWh of energy throughput.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node

Variable costs of a flow through a connection. E.g. EUR/MWh of energy throughput.


Delays the connection_flows associated with the latter node in respect to the connection_flows associated with the first node.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "0h", "type" => "duration")

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

Delays the connection_flows associated with the latter node in respect to the connection_flows associated with the first node.


Margin by which connection_flow variable can differ from the value in the previous window during non_anticipativity_time.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node


Period of time where the value of the connection_flow variable has to be fixed to the result from the previous window.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node


Margin by which connection_intact_flow variable can differ from the value in the previous window during non_anticipativity_time.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node


Period of time where the value of the connection_intact_flow variable has to be fixed to the result from the previous window.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node


The per unit investment cost for the connection over the connection_investment_tech_lifetime

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection

The per unit investment cost for the connection over the connection_investment_tech_lifetime


Determines the minimum economical investment lifetime of a connection.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection


Determines the maximum technical lifetime of a connection. Once invested, it remains in service for this long

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection


Determines whether the investment variable is integer variable_type_integer or continuous variable_type_continuous

Default value: connection_investment_variable_type_integer

Uses Parameter Value Lists: connection_investment_variable_type_list

Related Object Classes: connection

Determines whether the investment variable is integer variable_type_integer or continuous variable_type_continuous


A connection's lead time, i.e., the time between the moment at which a connection investment decision is takien, and the moment at which the connection investment becomes operational.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "0h", "type" => "duration")

Related Object Classes: connection


The linepack constant is a property of gas pipelines and relates the linepack to the pressure of the adjacent nodes.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

The linepack constant is a property of gas pipelines and relates the linepack to the pressure of the adjacent nodes.


A boolean flag for defining a contingency connection.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: connection

A boolean flag for defining a contingency connection.


The per unit reactance of a connection.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection

The per unit reactance of a connection.


If the reactance is given for a p.u. (e.g. p.u. = 100MW), the connection_reactance_base can be set to perform this conversion (e.g. *100).

Default value: 1

Related Object Classes: connection

If the reactance is given for a p.u. (e.g. p.u. = 100MW), the connection_reactance_base can be set to perform this conversion (e.g. *100).


The per unit resistance of a connection.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection

The per unit resistance of a connection.


A selector between a normal and a lossless bidirectional connection.

Default value: connection_type_normal

Uses Parameter Value Lists: connection_type_list

Related Object Classes: connection

A selector between a normal and a lossless bidirectional connection.


coefficient of connections_invested_available in the specific user_constraint

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: connection__user_constraint


bigmmga should be chosen as small as possible but sufficiently large. For unitsinvestedmga an appropriate bigmmga would be twice the candidate connections.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection

bigmmga should be chosen as small as possible but sufficiently large. For unitsinvestedmga an appropriate bigmmga would be twice the candidate connections.


coefficient of connections_invested in the specific user_constraint

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: connection__user_constraint

coefficient of connections_invested in the specific user_constraint


Defines whether a certain variable (here: connections_invested) will be considered in the maximal-differences of the mga objective

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: connection

Defines whether a certain variable (here: connections_invested) will be considered in the maximal-differences of the mga objective


Used to scale mga variables. For weightd sum mga method, the length of this weight given as an Array will determine the number of iterations.

Default value: 1

Related Object Classes: connection


A selector for the sense of the user_constraint.

Default value: ==

Uses Parameter Value Lists: constraint_sense_list

Related Object Classes: user_constraint

A selector for the sense of the user_constraint.


Costs for curtailing generation. Essentially, accrues costs whenever unit_flow not operating at its maximum available capacity. E.g. EUR/MWh

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Costs for curtailing generation. Essentially, accrues costs whenever unit_flow not operating at its maximum available capacity. E.g. EUR/MWh


If the cyclic condition is set to true for a storage node, the node_state at the end of the optimization window has to be larger than or equal to the initial storage state.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Relationship Classes: node__temporal_block

If the cyclic condition is set to true for a storage node, the node_state at the end of the optimization window has to be larger than or equal to the initial storage state.


Solver for MIP problems. Solver package must be added and pre-configured in Julia. Overrides lp_solver RunSpineOpt kwarg

Default value: HiGHS.jl

Uses Parameter Value Lists: db_lp_solver_list

Related Object Classes: model

Solver for MIP problems. Solver package must be added and pre-configured in Julia. Overrides lp_solver RunSpineOpt kwarg


Map parameter containing LP solver option name option value pairs. See solver documentation for supported solver options

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["HiGHS.jl", Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["presolve", "on"], Any["time_limit", 300.01]], "type" => "map", "index_type" => "str")], Any["Clp.jl", Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["LogLevel", 0.0]], "type" => "map", "index_type" => "str")]], "type" => "map", "index_type" => "str")

Related Object Classes: model

Map parameter containing LP solver option name option value pairs. See solver documentation for supported solver options


Solver for MIP problems. Solver package must be added and pre-configured in Julia. Overrides mip_solver RunSpineOpt kwarg

Default value: HiGHS.jl

Uses Parameter Value Lists: db_mip_solver_list

Related Object Classes: model

Solver for MIP problems. Solver package must be added and pre-configured in Julia. Overrides mip_solver RunSpineOpt kwarg


Map parameter containing MIP solver option name option value pairs for MIP. See solver documentation for supported solver options

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["HiGHS.jl", Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["presolve", "on"], Any["mip_rel_gap", 0.01], Any["threads", 0.0], Any["time_limit", 300.01]], "type" => "map", "index_type" => "str")], Any["Cbc.jl", Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["ratioGap", 0.01], Any["logLevel", 0.0]], "type" => "map", "index_type" => "str")], Any["CPLEX.jl", Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["CPX_PARAM_EPGAP", 0.01]], "type" => "map", "index_type" => "str")]], "type" => "map", "index_type" => "str")

Related Object Classes: model

Map parameter containing MIP solver option name option value pairs for MIP. See solver documentation for supported solver options


Demand for the commodity of a node. Energy gains can be represented using negative demand.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: node

Demand for the commodity of a node. Energy gains can be represented using negative demand.


coefficient of the specified node's demand in the specified user constraint

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: node__user_constraint

coefficient of the specified node's demand in the specified user constraint


Commodity diffusion coefficient between two nodes. Effectively, denotes the diffusion power per unit of state from the first node to the second.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: node__node

Commodity diffusion coefficient between two nodes. Effectively, denotes the diffusion power per unit of state from the first node to the second.


The discount rate used for the discounting of future cashflows

Default value: 0

Related Object Classes: model


The year to which all cashflows are discounted.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: model


Identifier for nodes providing downward reserves

Default value: false

Related Object Classes: node

Identifier for nodes providing downward reserves


Defines the base temporal unit of the model. Currently supported values are either an hour or a minute.

Default value: hour

Uses Parameter Value Lists: duration_unit_list

Related Object Classes: model

Defines the base temporal unit of the model. Currently supported values are either an hour or a minute.


Whether all entities in the group must have the same investment decision.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: investment_group


Fix the value of the connection_flow_binary variable, and hence pre-determine the direction of flow in the connection.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node

Fix the value of the connection_flow_binary variable, and hence pre-determine the direction of flow in the connection.


Fix the value of the connection_flow variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node

Fix the value of the connection_flow variable.


Fix the value of the connection_intact_flow variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node

Fix the value of the connection_intact_flow variable.


Setting a value fixes the connections_invested variable accordingly

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection

Setting a value fixes the connections_invested variable accordingly


Setting a value fixes the connectionsinvestedavailable variable accordingly

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection

Setting a value fixes the connectionsinvestedavailable variable accordingly


Fixes the corresponding node_pressure variable to the provided value

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Fixes the corresponding node_pressure variable to the provided value


Fixes the corresponding node_state variable to the provided value. Can be used for e.g. fixing boundary conditions.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Fixes the corresponding node_state variable to the provided value. Can be used for e.g. fixing boundary conditions.


Fixes the corresponding node_voltage_angle variable to the provided value

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Fixes the corresponding node_voltage_angle variable to the provided value


Fix the nonspin_units_shut_down variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__to_node

Fix the nonspin_units_shut_down variable.


Fix the nonspin_units_started_up variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Fix the nonspin_units_started_up variable.


Fix the ratio between two unit_flows coming into the unit from the two nodes.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Fix the ratio between two unit_flows coming into the unit from the two nodes.


Fix the ratio between an incoming unit_flow from the first node and an outgoing unit_flow to the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Fix the ratio between an incoming unit_flow from the first node and an outgoing unit_flow to the second node.


Fix the ratio between an outgoing connection_flow to the first node and an incoming connection_flow from the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

Fix the ratio between an outgoing connection_flow to the first node and an incoming connection_flow from the second node.


Fix the ratio between an outgoing unit_flow to the first node and an incoming unit_flow from the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Fix the ratio between an outgoing unit_flow to the first node and an incoming unit_flow from the second node.


Fix the ratio between two unit_flows going from the unit into the two nodes.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Fix the ratio between two unit_flows going from the unit into the two nodes.


Used to fix the value of the storages_invested variable

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Used to fix the value of the storages_invested variable


Used to fix the value of the storagesinvestedavailable variable

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Used to fix the value of the storagesinvestedavailable variable


Fix the unit_flow variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Fix the unit_flow variable.


Fix the unit_flow_op variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Fix the unit_flow_op variable.


Fix the value of the units_invested variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Fix the value of the units_invested variable.


Fix the value of the units_invested_available variable

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Fix the value of the units_invested_available variable


Fix the value of the units_on variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Fix the value of the units_on variable.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_in_in_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_in_in_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_in_out_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_in_out_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_out_in_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_out_in_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_out_out_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the fix_ratio_out_out_unit_flow constraint.


Fix the value of the units_out_of_service variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Fixed pressure points for pipelines for the outer approximation of the Weymouth approximation. The direction of flow is the first node in the relationship to the second node in the relationship.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

Fixed pressure points for pipelines for the outer approximation of the Weymouth approximation. The direction of flow is the first node in the relationship to the second node in the relationship.


Fixed pressure points for pipelines for the outer approximation of the Weymouth approximation. The direction of flow is the first node in the relationship to the second node in the relationship.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

Fixed pressure points for pipelines for the outer approximation of the Weymouth approximation. The direction of flow is the first node in the relationship to the second node in the relationship.


Fixed operation and maintenance costs of a unit. Essentially, a cost coefficient on the existing units (incl. number_of_units and units_invested_available) and unit_capacity parameters. E.g. EUR/MWh

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Fixed operation and maintenance costs of a unit. Essentially, a cost coefficient on the existing units (incl. number_of_units and units_invested_available) and unit_capacity parameters. E.g. EUR/MWh


Self-discharge coefficient for node_state variables. Effectively, represents the loss power per unit of state.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: node

Self-discharge coefficient for node_state variables. Effectively, represents the loss power per unit of state.


The fraction of a node group's demand applied for the node in question.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: node

The fraction of a node group's demand applied for the node in question.


Variable fuel costs than can be attributed to a unit_flow. E.g. EUR/MWh

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Variable fuel costs than can be attributed to a unit_flow. E.g. EUR/MWh


An optional setting for tweaking the position of the different elements when drawing them via Spine Toolbox Graph View.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection, node and unit

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node, connection__to_node, unit__from_node__user_constraint, unit__from_node, unit__to_node__user_constraint and unit__to_node

An optional setting for tweaking the position of the different elements when drawing them via Spine Toolbox Graph View.


This parameter needs to be set to true in order to represent bidirectional pressure drive gas transfer.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: connection

This parameter needs to be set to true in order to represent bidirectional pressure drive gas transfer.


A boolean flag for whether a node has a node_pressure variable.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: node

A boolean flag for whether a node has a node_pressure variable.


A boolean flag for whether a node has a node_state variable.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: node

A boolean flag for whether a node has a node_state variable.


A boolean flag for whether a node has a node_voltage_angle variable.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: node

A boolean flag for whether a node has a node_voltage_angle variable.


Initialize the value of the connection_flow_binary variable, and hence pre-determine the direction of flow in the connection.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node


Initialize the value of the connection_flow variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node


Initialize the value of the connection_intact_flow variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__from_node and connection__to_node


Setting a value fixes the connections_invested variable at the beginning

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection


Setting a value fixes the connectionsinvestedavailable variable at the beginning

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: connection


Initializes the corresponding node_pressure variable to the provided value

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Initializes the corresponding node_state variable to the provided value.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Initializes the corresponding node_voltage_angle variable to the provided value

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Initialize the nonspin_units_shut_down variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__to_node


Initialize the nonspin_units_started_up variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node


Used to initialze the value of the storages_invested variable

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Used to initialze the value of the storagesinvestedavailable variable

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Initialize the unit_flow variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node


Initialize the unit_flow_op variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node


Initialize the value of the units_invested variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Initialize the value of the units_invested_available variable

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Initialize the value of the units_on variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Initialize the value of the units_out_of_service variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


If false, the object is excluded from the model if the tool filter object activity control is specified

Default value: true

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: commodity, connection, model, node, output, report, stage, stochastic_scenario, stochastic_structure, temporal_block, unit and user_constraint

Related Relationship Classes: node__stochastic_structure, node__temporal_block, unit__from_node, unit__to_node, units_on__stochastic_structure and units_on__temporal_block

If false, the object is excluded from the model if the tool filter object activity control is specified


A boolean flag for whether a node is acting as a non-spinning reserve

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: node

A boolean flag for whether a node is acting as a non-spinning reserve


Whether the unit is renewable - used in the minimum renewable generation constraint within the Benders master problem

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: unit

Whether the unit is renewable - used in the minimum renewable generation constraint within the Benders master problem


A boolean flag for whether a node is acting as a reserve_node

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: node

A boolean flag for whether a node is acting as a reserve_node


Set a maximum cumulative upper bound for a unit_flow

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__commodity

Set a maximum cumulative upper bound for a unit_flow


Specifies the maximum optimality gap for the model. Currently only used for the master problem within a decomposed structure

Default value: 0.05

Related Object Classes: model

Specifies the maximum optimality gap for the model. Currently only used for the master problem within a decomposed structure


Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the model. Currently only used for the master problem within a decomposed structure

Default value: 10.0

Related Object Classes: model

Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the model. Currently only used for the master problem within a decomposed structure


Define the number of mga iterations, i.e. how many alternative solutions will be generated.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: model

Define the number of mga iterations, i.e. how many alternative solutions will be generated.


Defines the maximum slack by which the alternative solution may differ from the original solution (e.g. 5% more than initial objective function value)

Default value: 0.05

Related Object Classes: model

Defines the maximum slack by which the alternative solution may differ from the original solution (e.g. 5% more than initial objective function value)


Maximum allowed gas pressure at node.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Maximum allowed gas pressure at node.


Maximum ratio between two unit_flows coming into the unit from the two nodes.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Maximum ratio between two unit_flows coming into the unit from the two nodes.


Maximum ratio between an incoming unit_flow from the first node and an outgoing unit_flow to the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Maximum ratio between an incoming unit_flow from the first node and an outgoing unit_flow to the second node.


Maximum ratio between an outgoing connection_flow to the first node and an incoming connection_flow from the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

Maximum ratio between an outgoing connection_flow to the first node and an incoming connection_flow from the second node.


Maximum ratio between an outgoing unit_flow to the first node and an incoming unit_flow from the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Maximum ratio between an outgoing unit_flow to the first node and an incoming unit_flow from the second node.


Maximum ratio between two unit_flows going from the unit into the two nodes.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Maximum ratio between two unit_flows going from the unit into the two nodes.


Bound on the maximum cumulated flows of a unit group from a node group e.g max consumption of certain commodity.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node

Bound on the maximum cumulated flows of a unit group from a node group e.g max consumption of certain commodity.


Bound on the maximum cumulated flows of a unit group to a node group, e.g. total GHG emissions.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__to_node

Bound on the maximum cumulated flows of a unit group to a node group, e.g. total GHG emissions.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_in_in_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_in_in_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_in_out_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_in_out_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_out_in_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_out_in_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_out_out_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the max_ratio_out_out_unit_flow constraint.


Maximum allowed voltage angle at node.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Maximum allowed voltage angle at node.


Upper bound on the capacity invested available in the group at any point in time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: investment_group


Upper bound on the number of entities invested available in the group at any point in time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: investment_group


minimum capacity margin applying to the node or node_group

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

minimum capacity margin applying to the node or node_group


penalty to apply to violations of the min capacitymargin constraint of the node or `nodegroup`

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

penalty to apply to violations of the min capacitymargin constraint of the node or `nodegroup`


Minimum downtime of a unit after it shuts down.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Minimum downtime of a unit after it shuts down.


Specifies the minimum number of iterations for the model. Currently only used for the master problem within a decomposed structure

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: model


Minimum allowed gas pressure at node.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Minimum allowed gas pressure at node.


Minimum ratio between two unit_flows coming into the unit from the two nodes.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Minimum ratio between two unit_flows coming into the unit from the two nodes.


Minimum ratio between an incoming unit_flow from the first node and an outgoing unit_flow to the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Minimum ratio between an incoming unit_flow from the first node and an outgoing unit_flow to the second node.


Minimum ratio between an outgoing connection_flow to the first node and an incoming connection_flow from the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: connection__node__node

Minimum ratio between an outgoing connection_flow to the first node and an incoming connection_flow from the second node.


Minimum ratio between an outgoing unit_flow to the first node and an incoming unit_flow from the second node.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Minimum ratio between an outgoing unit_flow to the first node and an incoming unit_flow from the second node.


Minimum ratio between two unit_flows going from the unit into the two nodes.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Minimum ratio between two unit_flows going from the unit into the two nodes.


Bound on the minimum cumulated flows of a unit group from a node group.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node

Bound on the minimum cumulated flows of a unit group from a node group.


Bound on the minimum cumulated flows of a unit group to a node group, e.g. total renewable production.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__to_node

Bound on the minimum cumulated flows of a unit group to a node group, e.g. total renewable production.


Set lower bound of the unit_flow variable.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_in_in_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_in_in_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_in_out_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_in_out_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_out_in_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_out_in_unit_flow constraint.


Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_out_out_unit_flow constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Optional coefficient for the units_on variable impacting the min_ratio_out_out_unit_flow constraint.


Minimum uptime of a unit after it starts up.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Minimum uptime of a unit after it starts up.


Minimum allowed voltage angle at node.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Minimum allowed voltage angle at node.


Lower bound on the capacity invested available in the group at any point in time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: investment_group


Lower bound on the number of entities invested available in the group at any point in time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: investment_group


Minimum level for the unit_flow relative to the units_on online capacity.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Minimum level for the unit_flow relative to the units_on online capacity.


Duration a certain reserve product needs to be online/available

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Duration a certain reserve product needs to be online/available


The algorithm to run (e.g., basic, MGA)

Default value: basic_algorithm

Uses Parameter Value Lists: model_algorithm_list

Related Object Classes: model


Defines the last timestamp to be modelled. Rolling optimization terminates after passing this point.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "2000-01-02T00:00:00", "type" => "date_time")

Related Object Classes: model

Defines the last timestamp to be modelled. Rolling optimization terminates after passing this point.


Defines the first timestamp to be modelled. Relative temporal_blocks refer to this value for their start and end.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "2000-01-01T00:00:00", "type" => "date_time")

Related Object Classes: model

Defines the first timestamp to be modelled. Relative temporal_blocks refer to this value for their start and end.


The model type which gives the solution method (e.g. standerd, Benders)

Default value: spineopt_standard

Uses Parameter Value Lists: model_type_list

Related Object Classes: model

The model type which gives the solution method (e.g. standerd, Benders)


Minimum ratio of renewable generation to demand for this commodity - used in the minimum renewable generation constraint within the Benders master problem

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: commodity

Minimum ratio of renewable generation to demand for this commodity - used in the minimum renewable generation constraint within the Benders master problem


Penalty for violating the minimum renewable generation to demand ratio.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: commodity

Penalty for violating the minimum renewable generation to demand ratio.


A selector for nodal_balance constraint sense.

Default value: ==

Uses Parameter Value Lists: constraint_sense_list

Related Object Classes: node

A selector for nodal_balance constraint sense.


A selector for the reference node (slack bus) when PTDF-based DC load-flow is enabled.

Default value: node_opf_type_normal

Uses Parameter Value Lists: node_opf_type_list

Related Object Classes: node

A selector for the reference node (slack bus) when PTDF-based DC load-flow is enabled.


A penalty cost for node_slack_pos and node_slack_neg variables. The slack variables won't be included in the model unless there's a cost defined for them.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

A penalty cost for node_slack_pos and node_slack_neg variables. The slack variables won't be included in the model unless there's a cost defined for them.


The maximum permitted value for a node_state variable.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

The maximum permitted value for a node_state variable.


Coefficient of the specified node's state variable in the specified user constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: node__user_constraint

Coefficient of the specified node's state variable in the specified user constraint.


The minimum permitted value for a node_state variable.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: node

The minimum permitted value for a node_state variable.


Denotes the number of 'sub connections' aggregated to form the modelled connection.

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: connection


Denotes the number of 'sub storages' aggregated to form the modelled node.

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: node


Denotes the number of 'sub units' aggregated to form the modelled unit.

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: unit

Denotes the number of 'sub units' aggregated to form the modelled unit.


A selector for how the units_on variable is represented within the model.

Default value: unit_online_variable_type_linear

Uses Parameter Value Lists: unit_online_variable_type_list

Related Object Classes: unit

A selector for how the units_on variable is represented within the model.


  • For unit__from_node: Operating points for piecewise-linear unit efficiency approximations.
  • For unit__to_node: Decomposes the flow variable into a number of separate operating segment variables. Used to in conjunction with unit_incremental_heat_rate and/or user_constraints

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

  • For unit__from_node: Operating points for piecewise-linear unit efficiency approximations.
  • For unit__to_node: Decomposes the flow variable into a number of separate operating segment variables. Used to in conjunction with unit_incremental_heat_rate and/or user_constraints


Defines whether the segments of this unit flow are ordered as per the rank of their operating points.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Defines whether the segments of this unit flow are ordered as per the rank of their operating points.


Determines whether the outage variable is integer or continuous or none(no optimisation of maintenance outages).

Default value: unit_online_variable_type_none

Uses Parameter Value Lists: unit_online_variable_type_list

Related Object Classes: unit

Determines whether the outage variable is integer or continuous or none(no optimisation of maintenance outages).


Database url for SpineOpt output.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: report

Database url for SpineOpt output.


  • For output: Temporal resolution of the output variables associated with this output.
  • For stage__output__connection, stage__output__node, stage__output__unit: A duration or array of durations indicating the points in time where the output of this stage should be fixed in the children. If not specified, then the output is fixed at the end of each child's roling window (EXPERIMENTAL).

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: output

Related Relationship Classes: stage__output__connection, stage__output__node and stage__output__unit

  • For output: Temporal resolution of the output variables associated with this output.
  • For stage__output__connection, stage__output__node, stage__output__unit: A duration or array of durations indicating the points in time where the output of this stage should be fixed in the children. If not specified, then the output is fixed at the end of each child's roling window (EXPERIMENTAL).


Whether or not results from further windows should overwrite results from previous ones.

Default value: true

Related Relationship Classes: report__output

Whether or not results from further windows should overwrite results from previous ones.


Limit the maximum ramp-down rate of an online unit, given as a fraction of the unitcapacity. [rampdown_limit] = %/t, e.g. 0.2/h

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Limit the maximum ramp-down rate of an online unit, given as a fraction of the unitcapacity. [rampdown_limit] = %/t, e.g. 0.2/h


Limit the maximum ramp-up rate of an online unit, given as a fraction of the unitcapacity. [rampup_limit] = %/t, e.g. 0.2/h

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Limit the maximum ramp-up rate of an online unit, given as a fraction of the unitcapacity. [rampup_limit] = %/t, e.g. 0.2/h


Map from date time to representative temporal block name

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: temporal_block

Map from date time to representative temporal block name


Procurement cost for reserves

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Procurement cost for reserves


Temporal resolution of the temporal_block. Essentially, divides the period between block_start and block_end into TimeSlices with the input resolution.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "1h", "type" => "duration")

Related Object Classes: temporal_block

Temporal resolution of the temporal_block. Essentially, divides the period between block_start and block_end into TimeSlices with the input resolution.


The right-hand side, constant term in a user_constraint. Can be time-dependent and used e.g. for complicated efficiency approximations.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: user_constraint

The right-hand side, constant term in a user_constraint. Can be time-dependent and used e.g. for complicated efficiency approximations.


Defines how much the model moves ahead in time between solves in a rolling optimization. If null, everything is solved in as a single optimization.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: model

Defines how much the model moves ahead in time between solves in a rolling optimization. If null, everything is solved in as a single optimization.


Specifies the amount of time a unit must be out of service for maintenance as a single block over the course of the optimisation window

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Costs of shutting down a 'sub unit', e.g. EUR/shutdown.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Costs of shutting down a 'sub unit', e.g. EUR/shutdown.


Maximum ramp-down during shutdowns

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Maximum ramp-down during shutdowns


The scenario that this stage should run (EXPERIMENTAL).

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: stage


Costs of starting up a 'sub unit', e.g. EUR/startup.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Costs of starting up a 'sub unit', e.g. EUR/startup.


Maximum ramp-up during startups

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Maximum ramp-up during startups


Represents the commodity content of a node_state variable in respect to the unit_flow and connection_flow variables. Essentially, acts as a coefficient on the node_state variable in the node_injection constraint.

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: node

Represents the commodity content of a node_state variable in respect to the unit_flow and connection_flow variables. Essentially, acts as a coefficient on the node_state variable in the node_injection constraint.


A Duration for when a stochastic_scenario ends and its child_stochastic_scenarios start. Values are interpreted relative to the start of the current solve, and if no value is given, the stochastic_scenario is assumed to continue indefinitely.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario

A Duration for when a stochastic_scenario ends and its child_stochastic_scenarios start. Values are interpreted relative to the start of the current solve, and if no value is given, the stochastic_scenario is assumed to continue indefinitely.


Costs associated with decommissioning a power plant. The costs will b discounted to the discount_year`at distribted equally over the decommissioning time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


A storage's decommissioning time, i.e., the time between the moment at which a storage decommissioning decision is takien, and the moment at which decommissioning is complete.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "0h", "type" => "duration")

Related Object Classes: node


storage-specific discount rate used to calculate the storage's investment costs. If not specified, the model discount rate is used.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: node


Fixed operation and maintenance costs of a node. Essentially, a cost coefficient on the number of installed units and node_state_cap parameters. E.g. EUR/MWh

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Determines the investment cost per unit state_cap over the investment life of a storage

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Determines the investment cost per unit state_cap over the investment life of a storage


Economic lifetime for storage investment decisions.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Maximum technical lifetime for storage investment decisions.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node


Determines whether the storage investment variable is continuous (usually representing capacity) or integer (representing discrete units invested)

Default value: storage_investment_variable_type_integer

Uses Parameter Value Lists: storage_investment_variable_type_list

Related Object Classes: node

Determines whether the storage investment variable is continuous (usually representing capacity) or integer (representing discrete units invested)


A storage's lead time, i.e., the time between the moment at which a storage investment decision is takien, and the moment at which the storage investment becomes operational.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "0h", "type" => "duration")

Related Object Classes: node


Coefficient of the specified node's storages invested available variable in the specified user constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: node__user_constraint


bigmmga should be chosen as small as possible but sufficiently large. For unitsinvestedmga an appropriate bigmmga would be twice the candidate storages.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

bigmmga should be chosen as small as possible but sufficiently large. For unitsinvestedmga an appropriate bigmmga would be twice the candidate storages.


Coefficient of the specified node's storage investment variable in the specified user constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: node__user_constraint

Coefficient of the specified node's storage investment variable in the specified user constraint.


Defines whether a certain variable (here: storages_invested) will be considered in the maximal-differences of the mga objective

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: node

Defines whether a certain variable (here: storages_invested) will be considered in the maximal-differences of the mga objective


Used to scale mga variables. For weighted-sum mga method, the length of this weight given as an Array will determine the number of iterations.

Default value: 1

Related Object Classes: node


Tax costs for incoming unit_flows on this node. E.g. EUR/MWh.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Tax costs for incoming unit_flows on this node. E.g. EUR/MWh.


Tax costs for net incoming and outgoing unit_flows on this node. Incoming flows accrue positive net taxes, and outgoing flows accrue negative net taxes.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Tax costs for net incoming and outgoing unit_flows on this node. Incoming flows accrue positive net taxes, and outgoing flows accrue negative net taxes.


Tax costs for outgoing unit_flows from this node. E.g. EUR/MWh.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: node

Tax costs for outgoing unit_flows from this node. E.g. EUR/MWh.


Availability of the unit, acting as a multiplier on its unit_capacity. Typically between 0-1.

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: unit

Availability of the unit, acting as a multiplier on its unit_capacity. Typically between 0-1.


Maximum unit_flow capacity of a single 'sub_unit' of the unit.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Maximum unit_flow capacity of a single 'sub_unit' of the unit.


Optional coefficient for unit_capacity unit conversions in the case the unit_capacity value is incompatible with the desired unit_flow units.

Default value: 1.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Optional coefficient for unit_capacity unit conversions in the case the unit_capacity value is incompatible with the desired unit_flow units.


Costs associated with decommissioning a power plant. The costs will b discounted to the discount_year`at distribted equally over the decommissioning time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


A unit's decommissioning time, i.e., the time between the moment at which a unit decommissioning decision is takien, and the moment at which decommissioning is complete.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "0h", "type" => "duration")

Related Object Classes: unit


Unit-specific discount rate used to calculate the unit's investment costs. If not specified, the model discount rate is used.

Default value: 0.0

Related Object Classes: unit


Coefficient of a unit_flow variable for a custom user_constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node__user_constraint and unit__to_node__user_constraint

Coefficient of a unit_flow variable for a custom user_constraint.


Margin by which unit_flow variable can differ from the value in the previous window during non_anticipativity_time.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node


Period of time where the value of the unit_flow variable has to be fixed to the result from the previous window.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node


Flow from node1 per unit time and per units_on that results in no additional flow to node2

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Flow from node1 per unit time and per units_on that results in no additional flow to node2


Standard piecewise incremental heat rate where node1 is assumed to be the fuel and node2 is assumed to be electriciy. Assumed monotonically increasing. Array type or single coefficient where the number of coefficients must match the dimensions of unit_operating_points

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Standard piecewise incremental heat rate where node1 is assumed to be the fuel and node2 is assumed to be electriciy. Assumed monotonically increasing. Array type or single coefficient where the number of coefficients must match the dimensions of unit_operating_points


Investment cost per 'sub unit' built.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Investment cost per 'sub unit' built.


Economic lifetime for unit investment decisions.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Maximum technical lifetime for unit investment decisions.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Determines whether investment variable is integer or continuous.

Default value: unit_investment_variable_type_continuous

Uses Parameter Value Lists: unit_investment_variable_type_list

Related Object Classes: unit

Determines whether investment variable is integer or continuous.


A unit's lead time, i.e., the time between the moment at which a unit investment decision is takien, and the moment at which the unit investment becomes operational.

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => "0h", "type" => "duration")

Related Object Classes: unit


Flow from node1 that is incurred when a unit is started up.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__node__node

Flow from node1 that is incurred when a unit is started up.


Coefficient of the units_invested_available variable in the specified user_constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__user_constraint


bigmmga should be chosen as small as possible but sufficiently large. For unitsinvestedmga an appropriate bigmmga would be twice the candidate units.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

bigmmga should be chosen as small as possible but sufficiently large. For unitsinvestedmga an appropriate bigmmga would be twice the candidate units.


Coefficient of the units_invested variable in the specified user_constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__user_constraint

Coefficient of the units_invested variable in the specified user_constraint.


Defines whether a certain variable (here: units_invested) will be considered in the maximal-differences of the mga objective

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: unit

Defines whether a certain variable (here: units_invested) will be considered in the maximal-differences of the mga objective


Used to scale mga variables. For weightd sum mga method, the length of this weight given as an Array will determine the number of iterations.

Default value: 1

Related Object Classes: unit


Coefficient of a units_on variable for a custom user_constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__user_constraint

Coefficient of a units_on variable for a custom user_constraint.


Objective function coefficient on units_on. An idling cost, for example

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Objective function coefficient on units_on. An idling cost, for example


Margin by which units_on variable can differ from the value in the previous window during non_anticipativity_time.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit


Period of time where the value of the units_on variable has to be fixed to the result from the previous window.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: unit

Period of time where the value of the units_on variable has to be fixed to the result from the previous window.


Coefficient of a units_started_up variable for a custom user_constraint.

Default value: 0.0

Related Relationship Classes: unit__user_constraint

Coefficient of a units_started_up variable for a custom user_constraint.


Represents the number of units out of service

Default value: 0

Related Object Classes: unit

Represents the number of units out of service


Identifier for nodes providing upward reserves

Default value: false

Related Object Classes: node

Identifier for nodes providing upward reserves


Whether to use connection_intact_flow variables, to capture the impact of connection investments on network characteristics via line outage distribution factors (LODF).

Default value: true

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: model


If set to true, the investment models uses economic represenation, i.e., multi-year investments will be modeled considering discounts etc.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: model


If set to true, the investment models uses milestone years. In other words, operational temporal blocks for one (milestone) year will be scaled up by the discounted duration to represent the entire investment period.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: model


Whether to use tight and compact constraint formulations.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: model


A penalty for violating a user constraint.

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: user_constraint


Current version of the SpineOpt data structure. Modify it at your own risk (but please don't).

Default value: 14

Related Object Classes: settings


Variable operating costs of a unit_flow variable. E.g. EUR/MWh.

Default value: nothing

Related Relationship Classes: unit__from_node and unit__to_node

Variable operating costs of a unit_flow variable. E.g. EUR/MWh.


Weighting factor of the temporal block associated with the objective function

Default value: 1.0

Related Object Classes: temporal_block

Weighting factor of the temporal block associated with the objective function


The weight of the stochastic_scenario in the objective function relative to its parents.

Default value: 1.0

Related Relationship Classes: stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario

The weight of the stochastic_scenario in the objective function relative to its parents.


The duration of the window in case it differs from roll_forward

Default value: nothing

Related Object Classes: model


The weight of the window in the rolling subproblem

Default value: 1

Related Object Classes: model

The weight of the window in the rolling subproblem


A boolean flag for whether the LODF values should be written to a results file.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: model

A boolean flag for whether the LODF values should be written to a results file.


A selector for writing an .mps file of the model.

Default value: nothing

Uses Parameter Value Lists: write_mps_file_list

Related Object Classes: model

A selector for writing an .mps file of the model.


A boolean flag for whether the PTDF values should be written to a results file.

Default value: false

Uses Parameter Value Lists: boolean_value_list

Related Object Classes: model

A boolean flag for whether the PTDF values should be written to a results file.