Stochastic Framework

Scenario-based stochastics in unit commitment and economic dispatch models typically only consider branching scenario trees. However, sometimes the available stochastic data doesn't span over the entire desired modelling horizon, or all the modelled phenomena. Especially with increasing interest in energy system integration and sector coupling, stochastic data of consistent quality and/or length might be hard to come by.

While these data issues can be circumvented by either cloning stochastic data across multiple scenario branches or generating dummy forecasts, they can result in inflated problem sizes. Furthermore, Ensuring realistic correlations between generated forecasts is extremely difficult, especially across multiple energy sectors.

The stochastic framework in SpineOpt.jl aims to support stochastic directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) instead of only branching trees, allowing for scenarios to converge later on in the modelled horizon. In addition, the framework allows for slightly different stochastic scenario graphs for different variables, making it easier to define e.g. variables common between all stochastic scenarios.

Key concepts

Here, we briefly describe the key concepts required to understand the stochastic framework:

  1. stochastic_scenario is essentially just a label for an alternative period of time, describing one possiblity of what may come to pass. Even in deterministic modelling with SpineOpt.jl, a single stochastic_scenario is required for labelling the deterministic timeline.

  2. Stochastic DAG is the directed acyclic graph describing the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationships between the stochastic scenarios. The key difference between a stochastic DAG and a traditional stochastic tree is that the scenarios are allowed to have multiple parents, making it possible to converge scenarios into each other in addition to branching.

  3. Stochastic path is a unique sequence of stochastic scenarios for traversing the stochastic DAG. Every (finite) stochastic DAG has a limited number of full stochastic paths that traverse it from roots (scenarios without parents) to leaves (scenarios without children). Here, we use the term stochastic path to refer to any subset of scenarios within a full stochastic path.

  4. stochastic_structure is essentially a "realization" of the stochastic DAG, with additional information like the stochastic_scenario_end and weight_relative_to_parents Parameters. These become relevant when we start discussing interactions between different stochastic structures.

The above figure presents an example stochastic DAG with the individual stochastic scenarios labelled from s0-s8. An example full stochastic path [s0, s1, s5, s8] is highlighted in red, while an example stochastic path [s2, s4, s7] is highlighted in blue.

General idea in brief

The major issue with stochastic DAGs compared to stochastic trees, is that indexing constraints that include variables from multiple time steps (henceforth referred to as "dynamic constraints") needs rethinking. With stochastic trees, constraints can always be unambiguously indexed using (stochastic_scenario, last_time_step), since all stochastic scenarios only have a single parent. However, this is no longer the case for stochastic DAGs, as illustrated in the figures below:

The example on the left illustrates the "traditional" indexing in branching stochastic trees, where backtracking through the tree always leads to unambiguous (stochastic_scenario, time_step) indices. The example on the right shows a similar situation in a stochastic DAG, where backtracking through the DAG leads to four different (stochastic_scenario, time_step) indices, and thus requires four constraints to be generated and indexed.

Stochastic path indexing

As discussed in the previous section, dynamic constraints in stochastic DAGs cannot be unambiguously indexed using a single (stochastic_scenario, time_step). However, they can be unambiguously indexed using (stochastic_path, time_step), where the stochastic path is the unique sequence of stochastic scenarios traversing the DAG. Since there are only a limited number of ways to traverse the DAG, represented by the full stochastic paths, we can identify the number of unique paths necessary for constraint generation as follows:

  1. Identify all unique full stochastic paths, meaning all the possible ways of traversing the DAG from roots to leaves.
  2. Find all the stochastic scenarios that are active on all the time steps included in the constraint.
  3. Find all the unique stochastic paths by intersecting the set of active stochastic scenarios with the full stochastic paths.
  4. Generate constraints over each unique stochastic path found in step 3.

Example dynamic constraint generation

The above figure shows examples of two different dynamic constraints generated in a stochastic DAG: the red constraint including variables from timesteps t4-t5 and the blue constraint including variables from timesteps t1, t3. The full stochastic paths for traversing the above DAG are as follows:

  1. [s0, s1, s5, s8]
  2. [s0, s2, s3, s5, s8]
  3. [s0, s2, s4, s6, s8]
  4. [s0, s2, s4, s7, s8]

For the red constraint, the stochastic scenarios s5-s8 are active on the time steps t4-t5. All the above full stochastic paths include at least two of the active stochastic scenarios, but full paths 1 and 2 both produce an identical path [s5, s8], so the set of unique stochastic paths for the red constraint becomes:

  1. [s5, s8]
  2. [s6, s8]
  3. [s7, s8]

There are no paths [s5, s6], [s5, s7], [s6, s7] since following the DAG one cannot start from s5 and end up in s6, even though these stochastic scenarios are active.

The blue constraint illustrates a case where the time step range is non-continuous. The active stochastic scenarios on t1, t3 are s1, s2, s4, s5, so again by comparing these to the full stochastic paths we get:

  1. [s1, s5]
  2. [s2, s5]
  3. [s2, s4]

In this case, the full stochastic paths 3 and 4 both produce the path [s2, s4], so only three unique constraints need to be generated. Again, the path [s1, s4] is invalid, since the DAG cannot be traversed from s1 to s4.

Interaction between different stochastic structures

Stochastic path indexing in constraints also allows for "distorting" the stochastic DAG in different parts of the model. As long as the stochastic DAG itself isn't changed, meaning the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationships and the resulting full stochastic paths, we can actually define different stochastic structures and still be able to handle constraint generation between them. This is due to the fact that when determining the stochastic paths, it makes no difference whether we're looking at the same stochastic_structure at different time steps, or at two stochastic structures, one of which has been delayed, on the same time step. This is illustrated by the figure below:

The above represents constraint generation over two stochastic structures, where the lower stochastic_structure has been delayed in respect to the one above. Nevertheless, the procedure for finding the stochastic paths for the constraints remains identical to the previous example:

  1. Identify all unique full stochastic paths, meaning all the possible ways of traversing the DAG. As long as the DAG remains the same between all the involved stochastic structures, the pathing remains the same.
  2. Find all the stochastic scenarios that are active on all the stochastic structures and time steps included in the constraint.
  3. Find all the unique stochastic paths by intersecting the set of active scenarios with the full stochastic paths.
  4. Generate constraints over each unique stochastic path found in step 3.

Stochastics in the model data structure

While the Key concepts and General idea in brief sections go over the stochastic framework in SpineOpt.jl in a more general sense, here we'll go over how to set up stochastics using SpineOpt.jl data structure. Simple step-by-step examples are also provided in the Example of deterministic stochastics, Example of branching stochastics, and Example of converging stochastics sections further below. We won't go into too much detail about the related Object Classes, Relationship Classes, or Parameters, since those can be found in their respective sections. Introductions to these concepts can also be found in the Structural object classes and Structural relationship classes sections, if necessary.

Setting up the stochastic framework

As with all things in SpineOpt.jl, you'll want to start with adding the desired number of objects to the relevant Object Classes, as one cannot define relationships over objects that don't exist. For the stochastic framework, this means creating at least one stochastic_scenario and stochastic_structure object each. This needs to be done even if your model is fully deterministic, as even the deterministic structure needs to be labelled for SpineOpt.jl to recognize that it exists.

Next, if your model has multiple stochastic_scenario objects, you'll want to define how they are related using the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationship. This relationship essentially defines the stochastic DAG, as well as all the possible stochastic paths, explained in the Key concepts section. Unless the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationship is defined, there won't be a stochastic DAG, and all stochastic_scenario objects will be assumed to be completely independent of each other.

Now that you've set up the desired stochastic_scenario and stochastic_structure objects, as well as defined the stochastic DAG using the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationship, it's time to define the properties of the stochastic_structure objects using the stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationship, and the stochastic_scenario_end and weight_relative_to_parents Parameters therein. You'll always have to define at least one stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationship, as the stochastic_structure object is what connects the Systemic object classes to the stochastic framework. stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationship holds two key Parameters:

# For root `stochastic_scenarios` (meaning no parents)

weight(scenario) = weight_relative_to_parents(scenario)

# If not a root `stochastic_scenario`

weight(scenario) = sum([weight(parent) * weight_relative_to_parents(scenario)] for parent in parents)

Finally, with all the pieces in place, we'll need to connect the defined stochastic_structure objects to the desired objects in the Systemic object classes using the Structural relationship classes like node__stochastic_structure etc. Here, we essentially tell which parts of the modelled system use which stochastic_structure. Since creating each of these relationships individually can be a bit of a pain, there are a few Meta relationship classes like the model__default_stochastic_structure, that can be used to set model-wide defaults that are used if specific relationships are missing.

Example of deterministic stochastics

Here, we'll demonstrate step-by-step how to create the simplest possible stochastic frame: the fully deterministic one. See the Deterministic Stochastic Structure archetype for how the final data structure looks like, as well as how to connect this stochastic_structure to the rest of your model.

  1. Create a stochastic_scenario called e.g. realization and a stochastic_structure called e.g. deterministic.
  2. We can skip the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationship, since there isn't a stochastic DAG in this example, and the default behaviour of each stochastic_scenario being independent works for our purposes (only one stochastic_scenario anyhow).
  3. Create the stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationship for (deterministic, realization), and set its weight_relative_to_parents parameter to 1. We don't need to define the stochastic_scenario_end parameter, as we want the realization to go on indefinitely.
  4. Relate the deterministic stochastic_structure to all the desired system objects using the appropriate Structural relationship classes, or use the model-level default Meta relationship classes.

Example of branching stochastics

Here, we'll demonstrate step-by-step how to create a simple branching stochastic tree, where one scenario branches into three at a specific point in time. See the Branching Stochastic Tree archetype for how the final data structure looks like, as well as how to connect this stochastic_structure to the rest of your model.

  1. Create four stochastic_scenario objects called e.g. realization, forecast1, forecast2, and forecast3, and a stochastic_structure called e.g. branching.
  2. Define the stochastic DAG by creating the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationships for (realization, forecast1), (realization, forecast2), and (realization, forecast3).
  3. Create the stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationship for (branching, realization), (branching, forecast1), (branching, forecast2), and (branching, forecast3).
  4. Set the weight_relative_to_parents parameter to 1 and the stochastic_scenario_end parameter e.g. to 6h for the stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationship (branching, realization). Now, the realization stochastic_scenario will end after 6 hours of time steps, and its children (forecast1, forecast2, and forecast3) will become active.
  5. Set the weight_relative_to_parents Parameters for the (branching, forecast1), (branching, forecast2), and (branching, forecast3) stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationships to whatever you desire, e.g. 0.33 for equal probabilities across all forecasts.
  6. Relate the branching stochastic_structure to all the desired system objects using the appropriate Structural relationship classes, or use the model-level default Meta relationship classes.

Example of converging stochastics

Here, we'll demonstrate step-by-step how to create a simple stochastic DAG, where both branching and converging occurs. This example relies on the previous Example of branching stochastics, but adds another stochastic_scenario at the end, which is a child of the forecast1, forecast2, and forecast3 scenarios. See the Converging Stochastic Tree archetype for how the final data structure looks like, as well as how to connect this stochastic_structure to the rest of your model.

  1. Follow the steps 1-5 in the previous Example of branching stochastics, except call the stochastic_structure something different, e.g. converging.
  2. Create a new stochastic_scenario called e.g. converged_forecast.
  3. Alter the stochastic DAG by creating the parent_stochastic_scenario__child_stochastic_scenario relationships for (forecast1, converged_forecast), (forecast2, converged_forecast), and (forecast3, converged_forecast). Now all three forecasts will converge into a single converged_forecast.
  4. Add the stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationship for (converging, converged_forecast), and set its weight_relative_to_parents parameter to 1. Now, all the probability mass in forecast1, forecast2, and forecast3 will be summed up back to the converged_forecast.
  5. Set the stochastic_scenario_end Parameters of the stochastic_structure__stochastic_scenario relationships (converging, forecast1), (converging, forecast2), and (converging, forecast3) to e.g. 1D, so that all three scenarios end at the same time and the converged_forecast becomes active.
  6. Relate the converging stochastic_structure to all the desired system objects using the appropriate Structural relationship classes, or use the model-level default Meta relationship classes.

Working with stochastic updating data

Now that we've discussed how to set up stochastics for SpineOpt, let's focus on stochastic data. The most complex form of input data SpineOpt can currently handle is both stochastic and updating, meaning that the values the parameter takes can depend on both the stochastic_scenario, and the analysis time (first time step) of each solve. However, just stochastic or just updating cases are supported as well, using the same input data format.

In SpineOpt, stochastic data uses the Map data type from SpineInterface.jl. Essentially, Maps are general indexed data containers, which SpineOpt tries to interpret as stochastic data. Every time SpineOpt calls a parameter, it passes the stochastic_scenario and analysis time as keyword arguments to the parameter, but depending on the parameter type, it doesn't necessarily do anything with that information. For Map type parameters, those keyword arguments are used for navigating the indices of the Map to try and find the corresponding value. If the Map doesn't include the stochastic_scenario index it's looking for, it assumes there's no stochastic information in the Map and carries on to search for analysis time indices. This logic is useful for defining both stochastic and updating data, as well as either case by itself, as shown in the following examples.

Example of stochastic data

By stochastic data, we mean parameter values that depend only on the stochastic_scenario. In such a case, the input data must be formatted as a Map with the following structure


where stochastic_scenario indices are simply Strings corresponding to the names of the stochastic_scenario objects. The values can be whatever data types SpineInterface.jl supports, like Constants, DateTimes, Durations, or TimeSeries. In the above example, the parameter will take value1 in scenario1, and value2 in scenario2. Note that since there's no analysis time index in this example, the values are used regardless of the analysis time.

Example of updating data

By updating data, we mean parameter values that depend only on the analysis time. In such a case, the input data must be formatted as a Map with the following structure

analysis timevalue

where the analysis time indices are DateTime values. The values can be whatever data types SpineInterface.jl supports, like Constants, DateTimes, Durations, or TimeSeries. In the above example, the parameter will take value1 if the first time step of the current simulation is between 2000-01-01T00:00:00 and 2000-01-01T12:00:00, and value2 if the first time step of the simulation is after 2000-01-01T12:00:00. Note that since there's no stochastic_scenario index in this example, the values are used regardless of the stochastic_scenario.

Example of stochastic updating data

By stochastic updating data, we mean parameter values that depend on both the stochastic_scenario and the analysis time. In such a case, the input data must be formatted as a Map with the following structure

stochastic_scenarioanalysis timevalue

where the stochastic_scenario indices are simply Strings corresponding to the names of the stochastic_scenario objects, and the analysis time indices are DateTime values. The values can be whatever data types SpineInterface.jl supports, like Constants, DateTimes, Durations, or TimeSeries. In the above example, the parameter will take value1 if the first time step of the current simulation is between 2000-01-01T00:00:00 and 2000-01-01T12:00:00 and the parameter is called in scenario1, and value3 in scenario2. If the first time step of the current simulation is after 2000-01-01T12:00:00, the parameter will take value2 in scenario1, and value4 in scenario2.

Constraint generation with stochastic path indexing

Every time a constraint might refer to variables either on different time steps or on different stochastic scenarios (meaning different nodes or units), the constraint needs to use stochastic path indexing in order to be correctly generated for arbitrary stochastic DAGs. In practise, this means following the procedure outlined below:

  1. Identify all unique full stochastic paths, meaning all the possible ways of traversing the DAG. This is done along with generating the stochastic structure, so no real impact on constraint generation.
  2. Find all the stochastic scenarios that are active on all the stochastic structures and time slices included in the constraint.
  3. Find all the unique stochastic paths by intersecting the set of active scenarios with the full stochastic paths.
  4. Generate constraints over each unique stochastic path found in step 3.

Steps 2 and 3 are the crucial ones, and are currently handled by separate constraint_<constraint_name>_indices functions. Essentially, these functions go through all the variables on all the time steps included in the constraint, collect the set of active stochastic_scenarios on each time step, and then determine the unique active stochastic paths on each time step. The functions pre-form the index set over which the constraint is then generated in the add_constraint_<constraint_name> functions.